The Internal Marketing Podcast

#6 Employee Brand Advocacy Case Story - Rabobank

Episode Summary

A company brand's greatest assets and brand influencers are it's employees. In this 'case story' episode, we'll be flipping the marketing conversation by hearing how Rabobank implemented its employee brand advocacy program on social media. Rabobank is headquartered in the Netherlands.

Episode Notes

We've heard many times that people prefer to connect with people (on social media)...not brands. The people who represent a company brand, are its employees. More companies are realizing the benefits of leveraging the personal brands of their employees, on social media, to build the company brand and drive growth.

Rabobank is an international bank (headquartered in the Netherlands), whose purpose is being socially responsible. As a way to drive deeper connections with its customers, even as the world becomes more digital, they launched an employee brand advocacy program on social media.

In this episode, I'll be speaking with Rabobank's social media lead, Tessa Wagensveld, who'll share:

  1.  How they rolled out the program;
  2. The role of the brand purpose in how the program is executed; and
  3. Why B2B and B2C companies need to incorporate employee brand advocacy in their marketing strategies.

Thank you for tuning in to another episode and 'flipping the marketing conversation (from external to internal) with me. I invite you to follow The Internal Marketing Podcast on your favorite podcasting app, and share it with anyone who'd find it interesting.


Rabobank's website: