The Internal Marketing Podcast

Episode #16 - How Employees' Personal Brands Can Build the Company Brand (with Jon Michail)

Episode Summary

What does Elon Musk, Richard Branson and Oprah Winfrey have in common? Their personal brands have helped to drive the growth and equity of their company brands. They are examples of how leveraging the personal brands of internal company employees/representatives can help to build the company brand's equity, in an age when brands need to more authentically connect with their audience. International image consultant and best-selling author, Jon Michail, shares the 'why' and the 'how'.

Episode Notes

It's been found that public trust in established institutions and companies is at its lowest level...especially on social media. The consumer now craves authentic communication from brands, which can't be achieved using the old advertising (and even content marketing) playbook. The best way for company brands to authentically connect with its target audience is through its most powerful ambassadors/advocates, its own employees. 

Happy and engaged employees, who are empowered to build their personal brands, want to share the great news about the company they represent; and that type of authentic sharing is invaluable for company brands that, ultimately, benefit from increased brand equity. From the CEO, like Richard Branson, Elon Musk and Oprah Winfrey, to frontline employees in customer service, there is significant value in companies who choose to create a culture that empowers everyone to build a personal brand.

International image consultant and best-selling author, Jon Michail, will be a part of this episode's discussion, where we'll be exploring:

  1. Why employee advocacy is better than traditional influencer marketing;
  2. What companies need to do to create the right environment to engage and empower their teams to become brand ambassadors/advocates; and
  3. How leaders can make the shifts necessary, to create a branding win-win  for both the company and its employees.

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Jon is an award-winning image consultant and personal branding pioneer, publishing his first book "Life Branding" in 2002. He's had an eclectic career spanning from being a designer with the Christian Dior brand to manufacturing, distribution and retail to sports management, business consulting, VC and joint-venture creation spanning four continents. He is the Founder and Group CEO of Image Group International. Established in 1989, Image Group International is recognized as Australasia’s leading personal brand image advisory, with representative offices in New York and Southeast Asia (

You may follow and connect with Jon on LinkedIn ( or Twitter (@jon_michail).

You may also read his recent article, How To Leverage Your Employees’ Personal Brands To Grow Your Business Equity, on, via the URL below.


ABOUT WORKSHOP (Season 2 Global Sponsor)

Workshop is an internal marketing platform for creating beautifully branded, employee-specific campaigns. It replaces any internal email tool that you have and integrates with the other communication channels your team uses the most (including Slack, Sharepoint, and Microsoft Teams).

Head on over to to learn more and download their complete guide to building an employee advocacy program. 


The next episode will be released on January 9, 2022.