The Internal Marketing Podcast

Episode #20 - Creating Internal Marketing Campaigns that Win (with Rick Knudtson)

Episode Summary

What better way to close out Season 2 than to talk about how companies can go about creating internal marketing campaigns that win! And who better to speak about it with than Workshop's CEO, Rick Knudtson. In this episode he breaks down all of the nuts, bolts and pitfalls you need to know about, to create internal marketing campaigns that powerfully engage and empower employees. Stay connected to find out what more great conversations are in store in Season 3!

Episode Notes

We spend so much time and resources building great campaigns for our customers, don't we? So, think about what kind of magic we can create, if we were to invest that same energy and resources into creating awesome internal marketing campaigns for our employees? 

Why? Because impactful internal marketing campaigns help to engage and empower employees to be better able to deliver on the brand promise...and to be powerful advocates of the company brand to our customers.

In this last episode of Season 2, CEO and Co-founder of Workshop (this podcast's Season 2 sponsor), Rick Knudtson, will take us through everything you can do to  create internal marketing campaigns that win. 

In this conversation, we'll cover:

  1. What companies need to do first, before starting to create those campaigns;
  2. Steps that need to be included in the campaign creation process;
  3. Choosing the most effective channels for those campaigns; and
  4. Measuring campaign effectiveness.

Thanks for listening!

If you're not already subscribed to The Internal Marketing Podcast, then do join the tribe and subscribe, leave a review and share the podcast with anyone in your network whom, you believe, will find it valuable. And, yes, I'll be back for Season 3!! The first episode goes live on July  18, 2022.  See again soon!! 

ABOUT WORKSHOP  (Season 2 Podcast Sponsor)

Workshop is an internal marketing platform for creating beautifully branded, employee-specific campaigns. It replaces any internal email tool that you have and integrates with the other communication channels your team uses the most (including Slack, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams).

Head on over to to get a ton of awesome (and FREE) content and resources about how you can create and implement internal marketing campaigns and employee advocacy programs for your company. Also, sign up for their newsletter at